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Project Name
Development of National ICT Infra-Network for Bangladesh Government Phase-II (“Info-Sarker”)

a)    To expand the government wide network to be established under Phase-I BanglaGovNet Project to all the District and Upazilla level offices throughout the country.

b)   To improve government efficiency and promote interaction between ministries/divisions, departments, districts and upazillas by construction of government ICT network infrastructure.

c)    To use ICT system within the public administration to improve efficiency, accountability and transparency, reduce wastage of resources, enhance planning and raise the quality of services.

d)   To maximize the automation of work processes through integrated information management system utilizing National E-Service System (NESS).

e)    To ensure seamless resource and information sharing between government organizations and improve delivery of services to the citizen. 


a)    To expand the government wide network to be established under Phase-I BanglaGovNet Project to all the District and Upazilla level offices throughout the country.

b)   To improve government efficiency and promote interaction between ministries/divisions, departments, districts and upazillas by construction of government ICT network infrastructure.

c)    To use ICT system within the public administration to improve efficiency, accountability and transparency, reduce wastage of resources, enhance planning and raise the quality of services.

d)   To maximize the automation of work processes through integrated information management system utilizing National E-Service System (NESS).

e)    To ensure seamless resource and information sharing between government organizations and improve delivery of services to the citizen. 

Job description
The Government IP network comprising NICTC, DHQ, DICTC, UICTC, and national data center would be expanded by deploying additional routers, switches and servers, etc. and new DR center would be established. The ICT backbone network will be extended to the District and Upazilla level offices. Video conference would be established up to 800 locations and 24907 tablets would be provided to the end users. 1. Expand Capacity of NICTC, DHQ. a) Back-up Core Routers for each 7 Divisional HQs, 1 Medium Router for each 421 Upazillas. b) VPN Gateway would be deployed in NICTC to provide Internet Security Access to the govt. internal network. 2. Expand Connectivity; a) Connectivity from 64 Districts to 421 Upazillas (except those 64 Upazillas which have already been covered in Bangla Govt. project). b) Connectivity of govt. offices in 64 Districts (averagely 55 offices are considered for each District). c) Connectivity of govt. offices in 485 Upazillas (averagely 30 offices are considered for each Upazilla). 3. Expand Data Centre Capacity; A modular Data Center infrastructure would be deployed in National Data Center to expand the space and capacity. 4. Establish Sub Data Centre A sub Data Center would be deployed in Secretariat site to fulfill the local need of the ministries / divisions in the secretariat. 5. Establish Disaster Recovery Centre; A Disaster Recovery Center would be deployed in a remote site considering the least disaster prone areas. 6. Establish Video Conference; 800 sets of Video conference system would be deployed in UNO, training centers and some other government offices. The video switching center would be deployed in NICTC. Detailed distribution plan is given in Appendix I (b). 7. Establish NOC a) All NMS systems would be deployed in NICTC. b) The TSM (Terminal Security Management) system server would be deployed in NICTC. Together with the firewalls in Secretariat and access routers (built-in firewall), the TSM system would provide the Network Access Control and Policy Management functionality. 8. Establish WiFi Network; WiFi infrastructure would be deployed in both Secretariat site and BCC. 9. Establish Training Labs; Training labs would be deployed in BCC, BTCL and 12 public/private universities, to train the Engineers in Network, Data Centre and Video Conference operation and management. 10. Tablets Deployment 24907 Tablets would be distributed to the end users. Detailed distribution plan is given in Appendix I (a).