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Lama municipality at a glance

Lama Municipality was formed on 17 May 2001 as a class B municipality with an area of ​​28.49 sq km. Which is surrounded by hills around the city of Lama and is bordered by the Matamuhuri River. Bandarban is a hill district surrounded by immense beauty and green hills. With the highest number of 11 small ethnic groups, the highest peak Tajingdong, mountain rivers and innumerable natural scenery, this hill district is glorious. Life here, livelihood, social rituals are full of variety. There are many places to visit in Bandarban. These places have become very popular with tourists from home and abroad day by day. Welcome to Bandarban. Meghla, Nilachal, Swarna Mandir, Nilgiri, Shailprapat, Rizhuk Jharna, Keukradong, Bagalek, Chimbuk are some of the places of interest.
In the heart of the city is the Marma Para, a symbol of the hill people. At present about 35,806 people live in this city. On one side of the city is Matamuhuri College, on the other side is Alikadam Cantonment. The city has a total of 24.44 km of paved roads, 14.22 km of semi-paved roads and 17.6 km of unpaved roads and 2.50 km of paved drains.

The town of Lama has two hat bazaars, a government hospital, a government college. Secondary high school has 1 government and 2 non-government institutions. Literacy rate among the town people is 37%. Municipal council consists of 9 male councilors, 3 reserved female councilors and 1 elected mayor in 9 wards. Citizen services include cleaning the city, lighting roads, constructing and repairing roads, drains, culverts.

Municipality class:                                                         "B".

Date of establishment:                                                  17/05/2001

Date of the first meeting:                                               08/05/02.

The activities of the municipality started on                     01/07/01.

Date of appointment of administrator:                            10/06/01.

The date of the first election of the municipality is           02/04/02.

Date of taking oath of elected council:                           25/04/02.

Taking power of the second municipal council:               17/02/2011.

The date for the election of the third municipal council is             30/12/15.

Gazette publication date:                                               12 January

Date of swearing in of the third municipal council:           24/01/16

Date of taking power of the third municipal council:        03 February '18.

Date of the first meeting of the third municipal council:   11 February '18.

Date of 4th Municipal Council Election:                          16 January 2021.

Date of publication of Gazette of 4th Municipal Council: 25 January 2021.

Date of taking oath of 4th Municipal Council:                  11th February, 2021.


Date of the first meeting of the 4th Municipal Council:

College:                                                                        1.

High schools:                                                                3 (1 government + 2 non-government).

Non-secondary schools:                                                2 (non-government).

Senior Madrasa:                                                            1

Dakhil Madrasa:                                                            1.

Primary schools:                                                           13

Forkania Madrasa:                                                         9


Hefz Khana:                                                                  5

Gita Shiksha Niketan:                                                    1.

Area:                                                                            28.49 sq km.

Boundaries ঃ                                                               North: Bamu Bilchhari, and Ghazalia.

South: Ward No. 1 of Lama Sadar Union and Alikadam Upazila.

East: Matamuhuri river.

West: Ward No. 1 of Lama Sadar Union and   Matamuhuri River.

Total population:                                                           35,806.

Male:                                                                            18,611.

Women:                                                                        17,195.

Mouza:                                                                         02 (Goat Khaiya + part of Ghazalia Mouza).

Educational Institutions:                                                 46

Raw road:                                                                     18.8 km

Paka ঃ                                                                       17.67 km,

Half ripe:                                                                       24.44 km

Paved drain ঃ                                                              2.50 km

Raw Drain:                                                                    2.00 km

Mosques:                                                                     18

Buddhist temples:                                                         08

Hats and bazars ঃ                                                        2.

Literacy rate:                                                                 57%

Apart from this, the Municipal Dispute Resolution Board, Nationality Certificate, Birth Registration Certificate, free medicine and ambulance are provided to the needy people of the city. Pure water supply and various services are provided to the victims during different disasters. There are plans to further strengthen the provision of civic services by increasing revenue by adopting income generating projects of the municipality. Construction of city roads, sewerage modernization, and children's park are underway by 2025.